Grand Prix Legends Tracks

A fantasy but realistic track.

My first work about GPL, a long road track.

My second track project.

A real track in the streets of Pau, a town in the south of France.

Formula 2 race there in 1967.

My third track project.

A real track on an airfied in the south of France.

Formula 2 race there in 1967.

My last track project.

A real track, with a part of a banking, in the north of France. Formula 2 race there in 1966.

A program that I've written to correct or change the display classes inside a 3do file.




Here it is, after 3 months of work, my first track for Grand Prix Legends : "Road 67".

Track editing is a long way for an ordinary man. A lot of time to learn, a lot of time to create ...

I have done my best to make an interesting and realistic track, below some screenshots can give you a little idea of the track.

I hope that you will like "Road 67" and perhaps I will see you online for a great battle on this track.

Version 1.0 : 10/05/2001 First version.

Version 2.0 : 19/05/2001 New version : New starting grid, fix the "Bourg" corner, small graphic improvements.

Version 3.0 : 01/05/2003 New version : Groove added to the track. [Download] (4454 KB)

pau 67

Contrary to Road 67, this time my second track is a real track.

Formula 1 cars were racing on this track until the 60's. After this time Formula 2, F3000 and now Formula 3 drivers race in the streets of Pau.
In 1967 Pau was the place of a great Formula 2 race with the best Formula one drivers.

Pau was included in the "Trophées de France" classification for Formula 2 cars, with Albi, Rouen and Reims that year.


The race

Classification at the end of the race was : Jochen Rindt, Denis Hulme, Alan Rees, Jim Clark, Jacky Ickx.


Link to the result of the race :

You will find more in the readme file.


Just a wish, I've spent more than 12 months to finish this project and to permit to all the GPL community to discover this track like I dreamed it.

I wouldn't want to see any addons for this track or changes made without my permission.

Thanks in advance.


Version 1.0 : 10/07/02 First version. [Download] (3616 KB)

albi 67

Albi is a very fast track , in the same spirit than Monza.

Aspiration played a big part there, with a long straight line.
The average lap speed reached near 180 km/h, one of the fastest track along Formula 2 season at that time.

Albi was already a classic entry for Formula 2 cars, since 1960 completing of Sequestre track.
In 1967, Albi was not an entry for The first European Championship, but the best Formula one drivers, wouldn't have miss it, as earnings prices were high, with big starting primes.

Albi was included in the "Trophées de France" classification for Formula 2 cars, with Pau, Rouen and Reims that year.
Oil company and tyres manufacturers were very involved in prices, and BP was a big sponsor for Albi.


The race

Classification at the end of the race was : Jackie Stewart, Jochen Rindt, Jim Clark, Jacky Ickx, Chris Irwin.


Link to the result of the race :

You will find more in the readme file.


Like for my another tracks I've spent a lot of time to finish this project and to permit to all the GPL community to discover this track.
I wouldn't want to see any addons for this track or changes made without my permission.

Thanks in advance.


Version 1.0 : 13/06/2003 First version. [Download] (2687 KB) [Download] (2687 KB) - Light version, with a shorter drawing distance, for smaller computers.

montlhery 66

Crossing through a military camp, and including a banking, several layouts was used for Formula 3, Formula 2 and GT Sportcar races.
Montlhéry is a very fast track , in the same spirit than Monza.

Aspiration played a big part there but the military part of the track is a big challenge too.
One of the fastest track along Formula 2 season at that time.

In 1966, Montlhéry was used for a Formula 2 race where the best Formula one drivers were there at the start.



The race

Classification at the end of the race was : Jackie Stewart, Jochen Rindt, Jim Clark, Jacky Ickx, Chris Irwin.


Link to the result of the race :

You will find more in the readme file.


Like for my another tracks I've spent a lot of time to finish this project and to permit to all the GPL community to discover this track.
I wouldn't want to see any addons for this track or changes made without my permission.

Thanks in advance.


Version 1.0 : 24/10/2004 First version. [Download] (4694 KB)


A program that I wrote to correct or change the display classes inside a 3do file.

Update V2 done to work with the 3do files made with Ase23do version 2003. [Download] (12 KB)